ArchiCAD 21+ surface materials library contains all products from Laattapiste Oy’s product ranges for wall and floor surfaces. Updates to the library’s product information and image content are automatically created directly from the product database so that designers have an up-to-date library at their disposal with thousands of product options.

Products are divided into nine different categories depending on the placement surface and base material. Categories presented below with pictures.

Search functions

Products can be browsed by product set-up or filtered searches, for example. depending on color, dimensions and price range. Products can also be searched by name or keyword. You can also use the search functions found on the website and enter the desired product name in the object search field displayed on the pages. Each product also has a direct link from the object to the selected product’s website.

Below are examples of different search functions on the object interface window.

Browsing methods: serially, filtered, search result

Filtered search result with three different filters; three matches were found

Product name on the Laattapiste’s website, which can be copied and pasted into the object search field

Title search to select a product found on the website

Surface plane geometry and tiling styles

Surface plane geometry can be rectangular or free-form. Rectangular shape is stretched by a single hotspot and the free form contains dynamic hotspots at the vertices, so that hotspots are automatically added according to the shape.

There are four different styles of tilings: grid, overlapping grid, angled grid and fishbone. Additional controls are displayed according to the selected style. The controls also work in 2D and 3D modes. Origo of the layout can also be adjusted freely in 2D and 3D modes. Layout adjustments used in 2D mode require “Tiling” for 2D presentation and ” RGB ” or “texture” for 3D presentation.

Required number of holes can be added to the surface. For example, on the wall surface for windows and doors, and on the floor surface for sewer covers. It is easy to move holes to their locations with hotspots visible in 2D and 3D mode.

To enliven the textures, it is possible to choose the random rotation of the tiles, although there are several images of many tiles, which already guarantees a vibrant surface.

Product details

Library contains comprehensive product information for each product. Product characteristics can be viewed from many different starting points as needed. As previously stated, data for all products in the range can be obtained directly from the Laattapiste’s database, which allows an exceptionally comprehensive product information to ease designer’s work.

ArchiCAD adjustments for presentations

Settings for 2D and 3D presentations can be found on UI window. 3D presentation can be selected from three different options:

  • Simple = showing surface shape, no discrete tiles
  • RGB = showing the basic color of the tile, no texture
  • Texture = displaying tile texture images

This allows phasing out the design and speed up the performance of the software if necessary. Product choices do not change when presentation settings are changed, so the quantity calculation provided for each selected product gives an accurate usage by square meters.

The 2D presentation can be changed between contour and layout. Layout option is used if you want to display the layout style of the tiles or adjust layout parameters in 2D mode.

Assistant options are used to display the control functions of the texture origo and layout adjustment hotspots.

Product selection mode vs. Design mode

To enhance performance of the object, use mode can be selected according to the design stage. Product selection mode handles product information and thus enables product selection. Design mode (fast drafting mode 2D / 3D) does not handle product information, but locks the selected product, making the use of the object much faster in 2D and 3D design modesObject can also be used in 2D and 3D modes when the product selection mode is selected, but it slows down the software considerably.

Product selection mode selected
Design mode selected

Quantity calculation

It is also important for design projects to have products and quantities of their choice listed.

Example: Product information and surface areas of products used in project

Library’s presentation video

A video on YouTube about designing the bathroom in practice.