What it actually means?
Construction and interior design projects are currently designed with many different design softwares and it is in the responsibility of product manufacturers to provide their product information to designers in the form they require. Companies and retailers that do this have an advantage in getting their products sold through designers already at the design stage. Designer presents the content of his project to the customer through software, using the tools available, namely BIM libraries provided by manufacturers. Decisions made at the design phase are difficult to change at a later point, as they could adversely affect the design already approved by the customer.
Our company’s core expertise
Since 2008, GDL Factory has been a marketing promoter and consultant for the design phase marketing of product manufacturers. At the beginning, only the market leaders in their field understood to offer their products and product information to designers in the form of libraries. Today, smaller and smaller product manufacturers and even product dealers have also come to light. Product manufacturers have noticed designers wishes to get products into their design software. However superior in quality and characteristics, the product could be left unnoticed, if it is not available in the format required by the designers. Designers work should be cost-effective as it is the lifeblood of design offices today. So we are on an important mission to bring together two highly interdependent entities: manufacturers and designers.
Our road map to success
We have prepared clear guidelines for product manufacturers on how to proceed in order to make their products available to designers. Everything starts by defining a marketing strategy in accordance with the company’s objectives and resources. Read our five-step road map below to organize design phase marketing for your company’s products.